CloudTop is provided only as a docker image. The images are stored in dockerhub ( and are downloaded with the normal mechanisms in docker run, docker-compose and kubernetes.
heliumdatastage/cloudtop:latest This docker file includes just the CloudTop.
heliumdatastage/cloudtop-ohif:latest This docker file includes both the CloudTop and the Google Health enabled version of the OHIF dicom viewer.
heliumdatastage/cloudtop-imagej-napari:latest This docker file includes CloudTop,ImageJ and Napari.
8080 This is the native port for the web connection to CloudTop.
3000 (OHIF version only) This is the port for the OHIF web application.
Environment Variables
USER_NAME The name to use to log in to the CloudTop instance. This user is created in the running docker image.
VNC_PW The password to use to log in to the CloudTop instance.
CLIENT_ID (OHIF version only) The Google API Client Identifier token created using the Google tools.