
CloudTop is provided only as a docker image. The images are stored in dockerhub ( and are downloaded with the normal mechanisms in docker run, docker-compose and kubernetes.


  • heliumdatastage/cloudtop:latest This docker file includes just the CloudTop.

  • heliumdatastage/cloudtop-ohif:latest This docker file includes both the CloudTop and the Google Health enabled version of the OHIF dicom viewer.

  • heliumdatastage/cloudtop-imagej-napari:latest This docker file includes CloudTop,ImageJ and Napari.


  • 8080 This is the native port for the web connection to CloudTop.

  • 3000 (OHIF version only) This is the port for the OHIF web application.

Environment Variables

  • USER_NAME The name to use to log in to the CloudTop instance. This user is created in the running docker image.

  • VNC_PW The password to use to log in to the CloudTop instance.

  • CLIENT_ID (OHIF version only) The Google API Client Identifier token created using the Google tools.